Principles of the protection of privacy


In accordance with the provisions of Section 89 (3) of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on Electronic Communications, as later amended, SIESTA EXTRANET, with its registered office at Bruselská 266/14, Vinohrady, 120 00, Prague 2, Company ID No. (IČO): 05203503, as the operator of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), hereby informs you that this Website uses cookie files to provide services and analyse the number of visitors. By using this Website you agree with the use of cookies. 

Principles of the use of cookies

  • The Website uses cookies for the purpose of improving user comfort, since their permissions make it possible to remember you and your individual settings and preferences.
  • A cookie is a simple text file (usually a few kB in size) stored on your computer, notebook or mobile device by the Website and only the Website is capable of finding this cookie and reading its content. Almost all websites use cookies and these files are in no way damaging for your user system.
  • Each cookie is absolutely unique for your Internet browser. A cookie contains certain information such as a unique identification value, the name of the website, certain digits and numbers.
  • There are two types of cookies – session cookies and permanent cookies.
    • Session cookies are temporary cookies, stored in your device (e.g. computer, telephone, etc.) until you leave the Website, when they are deleted. The Website uses such cookies to remember information when moving between the individual pages so that it is not necessary to repeatedly enter or fill in information.
    • Permanent cookies remain stored in the device even after you leave the Website so that it remembers you as a returning – without the identification of a concrete person.
  • Cookies can be banned by changing the settings in your browser. If you decide to ban cookies, it will not be possible to use the Website.
  • If your Internet browser has cookies permitted in its settings, you thereby confirm your agreement with the use of cookies in the Website.

For analytical purposes we use the cookies of the following providers:

Google LLC with its registered office at the address 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, the United States of Americas, where the processing conditions are regulated here

Automattic Inc., with its registered office at 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA, the United States of America, the conditions of cookies services are regulated here


Contact form

SIESTA EXTRANET also uses a contact form in its Website. This form is used to submit queries to SIESTA EXTRANET. The personal data inserted into this form is processed for the period required to respond to the query. The given personal data is then automatically processed within the services of Google LLC, specifically for the period required for responding to the query. If the query has a legal effect for SIESTA EXTRANET, it can process it for the period corresponding to the relevant interest of SIESTA EXTRANET (i.e. particularly for the relevant periods of limitation). We hand over this personal data to our colleagues responsible for the resolution of queries, which could be either our employees or our contractors.

The query is processed automatically using the software of SIESTA EXTRANET and stored on the servers of Google LLC.

You have the right to ask us for access to your personal data including the creation of a copy of all your personal data. We will always inform you about: 

  1. the purpose of the processing of the personal data,
  2. the personal data or the categories of personal data that are the subject of the processing, including all available information about their sources,
  3. the nature of the automated processing, including the profiling and the information concerning the used methods, as well as the importance and expected results of such processing for the data subject,
  4. the recipients, or the categories of recipients,
  5. the planned period for which the personal data will be stored, or if it is not possible to determine, the criteria used to specify this period,
  6. all of the available information about the sources of the personal data, if it has not all been received from you.


Your further rights include

  1. asking us for an explanation,
  2. asking for us to remove a situation that has arisen; this can especially mean blocking, performing changes, adding, limiting the processing or the liquidation of the personal data (the right to be forgotten),
  3. asking for the personal data that relates to you in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format and to submit this data to another controller, without us preventing this in any way,
  4. submitting a query or complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection,
  5. objecting against the processing of the personal data that applies to you.


In order to protect your personal data we use the following means of protection: Antivirus protection, firewalls, encryption, authorisation data.